Physician Loans for Renaissance at Rychlick Farm

Today we toured the Renaissance Homes Rychlick Farm development in Sherwood, OR.  With the Providence Medical Group in Sherwood around the corner and Meridian Park only 3 miles away, this neighborhood can make a short commute for physicians and other medical professionals.

Homes range from $480,000 – $560,000 for 2,500 – 3,431 square feet.  Innovation is at the heart of every home built by Renaissance. Randy Sebastian and his team have been building in Portland since 1984.  Their creative team pushes the envelope on home design, construction techniques, amenities, style and new products. Where they lead, others follow.

Renaissance Homes
Renaissance Homes – Sherwood’s Rychlick Farm – Bellissimo Model



With a strong commitment to environmental sustainability, Renaissance Homes is the largest local builder building 100% green.  A Renaissance Home is better built, will last longer, cost you less in energy bills and will provide value when you resell in the future. It’s worth the investment for you and your family.


Renaissance Homes
Bellissimo Great Room


Renaissance Homes is the largest builder in the city of Portland and the #1 builder in the State of Oregon for single-family LEED certified homes.  Current developments are in Sherwood, West Linn and Lake Oswego.  They also have several infill projects being built and move-in ready in Portland. Check here to see if one of their homes might be right for you.


Renaissance Homes
Bellissimo Master Bath


Renaissance Homes
Bellissimo Landing / Office

If you are considering building a home in the greater Portland metropolitan area, contact Jack Hall of Renaissance Homes at 503.545.3982 or

Physician Relocation Specialists can help you find physician loans to purchase a Renaissance home.  Contact us here.

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